We’re so excited to raise an explorer
When our kids were first born, we couldn’t wait to take them into the world with us. But the products we were finding just didn’t do the trick, so we decided to make our own.
How we started
First Peak started from a place of need. When we took our son to Yosemite for the first time, we were weighed down with changes of clothes. Every time he spit up or dribbled, he’d start to smell. By the end of the day, his neckline was warped and stretched. To make matters worse, his tiny hands got sunburnt, and his sunscreen and bug spray ended up in his eyes and mouth.
We finished the trip needing to throw away the whole stained, stinky outfit. We knew there had to be a better way.
Where we are now
Since then, our family and this business have grown. After over a year of nomadic travel, we returned to the Bay Area with glorious memories and countless lessons about adventuring with kids. We've tested First Peak products in the wildest of circumstances, improving our products at each step of the way.
Our mission is to help families keep on adventuring — however you adventure — with more comfort and less stress. These aren’t just clothes for the backcountry and epic excursions; they’re clothes for everyday mess and mayhem.
We’re proud to be 100% mom-owned and California-made.